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But if an AI can be so accurate in talking to customers









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All these things will ultimately increase the profitability of your business Did you know that it is possible to simulate a human voice with just one minute of his recorded voice? Also, add to this the systems whose security is based on people's voices. Undoubtedly, there are still fears about security issues. What will Google Duplex be used for? The example provided by Google shows that this technology can be used by people to make contacts and make business appointments. These examples show that this technology can be used as an intelligent assistant for people businesses will surely be interested in using it to respond to customers.

Such artificial intelligence can be used as secretaries or in response Phone Number List centers. The future of Google Duplex Determining when to offer Google Duplex in a wide range is very difficult. Surely, this technology will not enter the market until the next year or two. But it will certainly be available to the public sooner than people outside of the tech sphere think. If Google Duplex can be trained to make restaurant reservations, it can certainly be used to make new credit cards and purchase apps as well.

Since Google Duplex is considered an artificial intelligence, its error in checking credit cards will certainly be less than that of humans. Looking at the current services, we understand that this technology can do many things for humans. But what will happen if Google Duplex wants to talk to another artificial intelligence system on the other side of the story? Will they use a special language for this or will human language become the language between computers? How will Google Duplex affect SEO? Google Duplex will probably not directly affect the search results.


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