The channel through which you contact support depends on your patience and the urgency of the issue. 1. Contact seller support by phone There is no phone service specifically for sellers, or even a phone hotline that connects you directly to Amazon’s seller support team. The only way you can contact them by phone is to go online and request an advisor to be contacted: 1. Sellers on the US site visit Seller Support US; 2. Sellers on the European site visit Seller Support Europe; 3.
Sellers on the Japanese site contact Seller Support Japan. Or number (subject to change): Global: 1-206-922-0880 Amazon headquarters: 206-266-1000 or 206-266-2171 US and Malaysia Phone Number Data Canadian stations: 1-800-372-8066 India Station: 1-800-419-7355 General seller and buyer support: 1-866-216-1072 If you are unable to call the Amazon contact number, you can go to Amazon Seller Center, click on Help > Contact Us, and select the topic of the issue and you will be moved to the next step to contact Amazon Seller Support via phone.
Next there will be an option to enter your phone number and briefly describe the issue and wait for the support team to call you back. 2. Contact seller support via email You can contact Jeff Bezos directly. If you send a concise and factual message t you'll likely get a response from the appropriate manager within a few hours. Bezos has shared his email address widely. He encourages his customers to contact him, and while he won't respond personally, he will send the appropriate message to the specific person to resolve the issue.