Lead-customer conversion rate This statistic is one of the most important in BB marketing and concerns the number of leads that become full customers. To calculate it, simply divide the number of new customers acquir in a given period – month, quarter or year – by the number of leads in the same time frame. The goal of increasing new customers is not exclusive to the sales force, it is a responsibility shar with marketing colleagues which has an impact on turnover and the entire company organization. . Lost customers When a customer of a SaaS company does not renew the contract and cancels.
The subscription to one or more services, the turnover suffers and thus the possibility of increasing the number wedding photo editing service of new opportunities, as the flywheel model explains very well. The calculation of customers lost in a given time period determines the volume of decline and should be monitor on a monthly basis: it is sufficient to take the number of lost customers and divide it by the total number of customers at the beginning of the month; the result must then be multipli byto obtain the customer churn percentage. This statistic is especially important for SaaS companies: although a minimum rate is quite natural, if there are spikes it is necessary to analyze the causes and remy them.
Customer lifetime vale The customer lifetime value (abbreviat as CLV) is the average value paid by customers during the collaboration with the company: by calculating this number, you are able to understand how much each contract is worth. To define the CLV it is necessary to first define the average duration of a contract (customer lifetime); simply divideby the customer churn rate. The result must then be multipli by the average turnover resulting from each contract in a given period.