Although we are not a startup, we use many of the core concepts of the Lean Startup method to provide value to our customers. In our social media advertising, we conduct lean testing phases to identify high-performing ad groups and individual high-performing ads. Once we identify ads with a high relevance score, we boost these ads with additional media budgets during the growth phase . So we use a phased approach to ad selection to maximize our clients' budgets. The Lean Startup method is also used in our SEO services .
We start with an MVP webpage that we optimize until we believe it can rank (the build step). Then we HK Phone Number publish the page and evaluate it after a few months (the measure step). If the page doesn't rank or doesn't convert visitors into leads, we re-optimize it through a content update, semantic SEO, internal links or increasing its linkability (the learn step). If the page ranks in the early stages of development, our customers save time and money. This lean approach is suitable for customers whose feedback processes are flexible enough to accommodate this approach. However, we are always ready to adapt if it is not realistic for our customers to re-optimize the same website several times.

Our lean approach also extends to our other projects , such as Conzoom Solutions (Messe Frankfurt's online magazine and e-learning platform). We launched a lean, small-scale experience sharing forum via the online platform and invited several retailers to participate. Our slim test of the forum showed that the target audience still prefers physical events. This enabled us to avoid investing an unnecessary amount of time and money in the complete development of the online ERFA format. If you are looking for an online marketing agency that can leverage the benefits of the Lean Startup method for your company, contact us using the contact form below to work with svaerm .