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When it comes to Google Analytics compliance

the limitations pitfalls and hidden costs of Google Analytics ABOUT THE AUTHOR Maciej Zawadziski see more articles Trainings that may interest you Mariusz Bacic Jarawa Dudek Mariusz Baric Jarawa Dudek SEO Link Building Positioning June city icon Warsaw August city iconPozna Check the agenda April city icon Warsaw Check the agenda April city icon Warsaw Check the agenda Leave a comment Editorial staff We would like to remind you that the conference is fast approaching Marketing. Technology which will take place on April and organized by us training sessions IN the field of marketing. If you want to always be up to date subscribe efficient.

want to have access to all the knowledge of in one Iceland Phone Number place subscribe to the platform premium. efficient marketing. Charles What about situations where for example we have a blog that has no advertising and the only element related to GDPR is GA The directive provides for a few exceptions is not required. Under the regulations consent is not required if the cookie is used solely for the purpose of transmitting a message over an electronic communications network or essentially necessary for the provision of an information The society service expressly requested by a subscriber or user.The that consent may not be required if cookies only

serve one of the above purposes. Some interpretations even say that even an order in an eshop can be included in such purposes. Do you have any case studies that clearly prove that the presence of GA absolutely means the need to collect consents Maciej Hi question.with the GDPR regulation the matter is quite complex. We see it as follows GDPR is a very general regulation but it mentions online identifiers such as cookies. In October in the Planet case the Court of Justice of the European Union clearly ruled that if we use cookies whether analytical or marketing consent to data processing is required and we cannot rely on legitimate interest. Cookies that GDPR excludes from this rule include .

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