humuhumairahimu 發表於 14:11:42

According to figures from the Cisco Visual Networking

They must be integrated into an overall natural referencing strategy, and be subject to regular monitoring to ensure their long-term effectiveness. SEO trend no. 2: mobile in the crosshairs If the mobile-first trend was already beginning to take shape in 2017, before asserting itself in 2018, it became a real requirement in 2019.Trends 2017-2022 study , 44% of connections global internet usage will be done from a smartphone by 2022, compared to 18% in 2017.

More than a trend, this evolution of Internet users' uses must be an integral part of your natural referencing strategy in 2019. Start by evaluating the display mobile of your website : have you adopted the responsive Hong Kong Phone Number design format , or opted for the creation of a full-fledged mobile application? Whatever the solution chosen, don't forget to optimize all of your mobile interfaces, in order to meet Google's guidelines and position your site among the first places on its results pages.

SEO Trend 3: Video and Voice Search as Challengers For a long time, web content was limited to texts and simple images. Online search was restricted to entering more or less precise keywords on engines essentially composed of text. It is therefore not surprising that natural referencing has long been associated with editorial optimization work, which is coupled with essential technical optimization work.

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