jmfcdulgpz 發表於 15:38:40

In the comments of the post itself

In the comments of the post itself, you can see some opinions contrary to the one expressed, such as " being too serious is NOT healthy " and " in a serious post, it's probably to reduce people laughing at people (or people). people's posts.) But I want a laughing reaction to all the funny things people say so I can laugh WITH them!" It is clear that Linkedin has three main objectives for professionals who use it: networking; Search for a job; be a showcase of that user's work. ADVERTISEMENT Reactions are a way to bring an air of innovation, stay up to date with trends and give more interaction to the platform, following the trend of other social networks such as WhatsApp and Facebook.

Human relationships are not just about formality, and LinkedIn Telegram Number Data is trying to reflect the real world. Although, users complain that LinkedIn could become similar to Facebook. That's why the platform created a new feature for users to filter political content in their feeds. The new reaction of “I have fun” can serve to “break the ice”, and the formality that LinkedIn has had for years, bringing a good opportunity for brands to increase engagement in posts and the possibility of attracting new users in the social network. With this update, Linkedin invites us to the possibility of maintaining a professional social network in a lighter and less plastered way, providing a touch of humor to the daily lives of the members of the platform.

Are you going to adopt him?In this context, brands need to move in the same direction to offer increasingly better experiences to their audience, improve their online positioning and attract people who really want to consume the content and offers that companies offer. As I said before, we cannot yet say what the real impact of My Ad Center will be for companies, but it is of utmost importance that brands begin to take issues related to Internet privacy more and more seriously and reinvent their marketing strategies. Digital marketing.

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