Things at the micro level
After a long pause I officially meet you all again What do you want to share I think it must meet the following three conditions Content within my ability acting within my ability is also an ability Content that I have my own real body experience without practice no right to speak Content that is of some value to you Either a little inspiration or just use it life is limited try not to waste your and my time Things at the macro level such as economic cycles trends policies or corporate operations product strategies etc may satisfy Articlebut not Articlesand such as how to satisfy users through design or how to design products to satisfy new users without causing dissatisfaction among old users etc also do not meet items and It Europe Cell Phone Number List seems that there are only mesolevel skills and routines left such as product methodology product principles product planning product closed loop product management etc which consciously meet the above three items Following the principle of do less to do better andenergy allocation principle we decided to share
and focus on two directions product methodology and product principles Capability model and learning improvement of Bside product managers The first challenge faced by Bside product managers is how to correctly analyze and diagnose business problems This is also the most difficult part Product design knowledge is basically not helpful for this part of the work If you want to do a good job in business analysis and diagnosis you must have a solid View details Follow the basic principle of think big and start small and dont .